Phone (803) 532-2949
Fax (803) 532-4368
109 Aiken Street
Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29006
Clip Racks
Shelf Racks
Cross Merchandising
Floor Revolving
Counter Revolving
Basket Racks
Hat Jewelry Shoe
Wire Displays
Pocket Displays
H106 and H106Scan

Flat Wire / Flat Clip

Flat Wire / Flat Clip

(Ex. H112)

Round Wire / Snap-On Clip

Round Wire/ Snap-On Clip

(Ex. H112R)

For over 60 years, our exclusive flat strip/flat clip style clip rack has been the mainstay of the snack food industry. Today, an even greater variety of merchandisers and retailers have found the dependability, quality and durability of Ridge Manufacturing Company’s products to be the answer to their product display needs. While there are several imitators, no other rack guarantees the secure “grip” offered by our original design.

If your needs or preferences require the snap on clip, on 5 gauge (.207”) wire, Ridge Manufacturing Company offers you this choice as well. While this catalog shows only a few items with this style, all of our clip rack products can be adapted to this style clip. Simply add "R" after the model number to request this clip.